If I can offer you any piece of advice it would be this:
Live now. Life is too damn short to simply wish things were different.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Magazine Cover

more than half of the corporations that produce magazines "for" women, offering clever tips to women on how to look young and "beautiful" are owned or run by men. seem strange? it did to me. thus these words flowed quickly:

insecure, slanderous comments you throw in my direction make me sick
perching yourself on a pedestal simply because you have a dick
i'm so disturbed by these thoughts that seem to make you tick
'cause there's no limit to the transgression you consistently inflict
on my sole sex

deeming yourself one of the usual suspects
as i'm rest
assured, that my breast
have made me an object of your desire
that the unveiling of my legs lights your libido afire
and that my body having a mind attached is something you clearly don't require

i see it on your magazine covers
"15 ways to please him as your lover"
"keep yourself fit and give him something fun to discover"
and then when he breaks up with your ass
"we've got 10 quick ways for you to recover"

and now let's turn the page for a "brand new make up that can reduce your age"
"10 more reasons for a proper little girl to quiet her rage"
"are you the only one of your friends left single?
well we've got 10 quick ways for you to get engaged"
and here's an entire article on why you need to be on a diet
whats that?
you're only 10 years old?
it's all good, we still think you should try it
you need some insecurities?
no worries
we'll supply it

and this is nothing new
really no big surprise
the boundaries you want to hold me in
based on your surmise
soundless subjugation because i bleed between my thighs
keeps me characterized
as a lost little girl
runnin around this big bad world
with little or no room to unfurl
sentiment of originality
all sides of my personality
or god forbid i let loose my sexuality...
on my own terms
which only confirms
your hesitation
of allowing a woman to rule this great nation
i mean, why bother hearing the voice of the entire population
while you're sitting happily atop your beautiful united states of segregation
one nation
under the subtle incantation
with discrimination
and misinformation
for all!

for now i'm hard to handle
an object of critique
'cause my emotional instability has made me weak
sending me up shits creek
with an aging antiqued
'cause the circles under my eyes
and the extra pounds around my thighs
is what CLEARLY overrides
any wise ties
i've made in my life

it's a viscous cycle and i can't break it
and even though i didn't help make it
i'm forced to partake in it
but make no mistake in it

i'll fight back against the insanity
a place engulfed in such vicious vanity
with perfect profanity
for the sake of my own sanity...
to set myself free
from your definition of a woman's beauty...
you're definition...
a male definition

yeah, you better believe i'll be screaming the opposition
and i'm no politician
just a marvelous, mastering, muttering magician
perfectly place in my pivotal position
to create my own rendition
of what beauty is....

look to your left
look to your right
look in the mirror
embrace that beautiful sight


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